At Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, our lawyers represent investors throughout the United States and overseas in securities arbitration proceedings against stockbrokers and brokerage firms. We handle claims ranging from churning and overconcentration to brokerage firm and stockbroker fraud. Learn how we can recover your investment losses. Contact us in Miami, New York, Detroit, Los Angeles, or West Palm Beach to learn more about our nationwide securities arbitration practice.
Violations of the “Know your Client” Rule
Every brokerage firm and stockbroker is responsible for knowing their clients’ financial needs and characteristics. Unsuitability claims involve investment recommendations and sales that are not consistent with an investor’s investment objectives and goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Such claims generally reflect a brokerage firm’s or broker’s lack of concern for these factors.
For example, an investment that is suitable for a young investor willing and able to accept a significant risk of loss in exchange for the prospect of high returns might be unsuitable for a retiree who needs to preserve their savings and who is dependent on stable income from their investments.
Unsuitable Investment Claims — Factors to Consider
At Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, we analyze unsuitable investment claims by considering factors such as:
- Did the broker meet with you to discuss your financial circumstances, your investment objectives and goals, and your risk tolerance?
- What did you explain to the broker about your financial circumstances, your investment objectives and goals, and your risk tolerance?
- Did the broker correctly and fully explain the investments that were recommended and sold to you?
- Did the broker accurately explain the risks associated with the investments that were recommended and sold to you?
- Did recommended investments expose you to an unreasonable risk of loss?
- Were recommended investments inconsistent with either your risk tolerance or your investment objectives and goals?
Our firm’s securities arbitration attorneys have a thorough understanding of unsuitable investment claims, and our years of experience allow us to assert your claims effectively. Arbitration hearings and voluntary mediations are scheduled at locations most convenient to you, and we do everything possible to minimize the burden on our clients while we work to maximize their recovery.
Consult a Securities Arbitration Lawyer
Investors do not need to take brokerage firm and stockbroker negligence and fraud lying down. For additional information about our experience with securities arbitration claims involving unsuitable investments, contact Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein to review your rights and options.
We serve clients statewide and nationwide from our offices in Miami, West Palm Beach, Detroit, Los Angeles, and New York. Translation services are available in Spanish and Portuguese.