Your business partner is draining the company of funds to pay off personal debts. How do you gain control of the company before it is too late? Our corporate control attorneys can help you with all the details of corporation.
You receive a letter from your partner’s attorney, saying the stock you own in the company is now worthless. Who can help you assert your rights?
Losing control of your company can be devastating. Business owners not only invest money in their companies, they pour their lives into establishing and building their business. When the principals of a company struggle for control of the company, the stakes are high. You can lose your investment, your current source of income, and the potential future profits from the company.
Speak with an Experienced Attorney Today
Do not let the company you worked so hard to build slip away. Contact the contests for corporate control attorneys of Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, P.A. to discuss your case. We have been helping business owners resolve disputes over corporate control for more than a dozen years. We are confident in our ability to help you.
DKR’s attorneys have successfully represented clients in a wide variety of struggles over corporate control. When these disputes include allegations of fraud or corporate malfeasance, our experience in resolving directors’ and officers’ liability claims enhances our knowledge in this area.
We help clients in Miami, West Palm Beach, Detroit, New York City and Los Angeles and nationwide. Call and talk with an experienced attorney at DKR today at 888-578-6255.